Thursday, October 29, 2009

radio on my head



happy halloweeeeeeeeen! you wild thing

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


my mind is playing tricks on me

first it hid my iPod, I look everywhere and under everything and then I found it right AFTER my run. And then, I realized that it DID THAT ON PURPOSE

alex in town, orionids meteor shower too

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

green worms and tick-tock thoughts

In the past we didn't have pictures, how does it fuck up our minds now to look at them?

Timesuck, an alternate reality...weird.

I have several drums, a guitar, oil paints my mom brought from home, 50 books in arm's reach, pen and paper, records, a super nintendo with a Toy Story game I've never tried, food in the kitchen I should prepare, some work/assignments I could be tackling, and excited legs that are rearing to run but don't want to face the cool Fall weather. But I won't do anything about any of them. Wuss

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Atmosphere and Aesop Rock - soso good i can'tcan't getenuf

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Front Lines of Environmental Activism

   Greenpeace is like the front lines of the green army. They are the passionate protesters who sacrifice their well-being in the face of environmental injustice. Like any army, their efforts may provoke backlash from the rest of society that they come from, which may isolate them further to the radical right in their fight, but they are evil deed stoppers. They are willing to get arrested to do their part to make a difference in the battle to slow not just climate change but greedy corporations and irresponsible practices that harm the planet.

"Two weeks ago, Greenpeace activists chained themselves to a mining shovel and dump truck at Shell's nearby mine, a protest timed to coincide with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper's visit with U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington.Shell temporarily halted production at the mine." -Reuters 9/30/09

   Though I define myself as more of a "mainstream environmentalist," both an idealist and a realist working from within the system by collaboration, forming constructive partnerships to make changes, and though sometimes radicals set a progress-inhibiting precedent for misconceptions about other types of environmentalists, making it a harder battle -- I still commend their efforts and tell them: keep up the good fight...