Friday, July 15, 2011


Yes! what is the good word, I TRY to stay positive!
I am not trying to rename myself Sunny Alday

Vampires suck a lot
and mosquitoes suck less, yes
Some magic creatures like a corpse flower bloom once a decade
But when their stinky self shows, you think
Damn!! get some heavy duty de-oderant to massquerade that haterade!

...Nasty notions, whip-me-up-a-potion
I react like a snapdragon
Embracing that medieval spirit in me
I suit up in my warden-wear and tend to my plot.

In that field of flame
I seek to implant the pest-aside.
My reptilian instinct says, "act strong, never run & hide."

The Zen Gardeners of Nigh tell me
focus on selective weeding
on mental inbreeding
and fear doesn't be-long

That decisive moment is one of eternity, of life and death!!
We don't have long before the flesh festers!
It is cut-throat!! We must pick a bone to survive!!

Yet as a well-read hebrew heir
I consider from my regal chair:

Ascend the throne
Mend the throng

Breathing from my flat-armored chests with, "your shit stinks, go rip a bong"
may be what I feel
but from an ancestral angle
it would be wrong...

If what you want is, Princess
to once again wear a pretty ring
and here-ye here-ye a joyous song...