Wednesday, November 9, 2011

green evolutions

we only get one shot ~ do you believe in what you do, or do you do not?

if not, why are you in it?
if so, why not make it successful
Just Believe.
I want to feel zero-gravity
I want to be unattached
and wandering this place on my quest
my journey of life.
when that $7.99 rug that was Made in China gets pulled out from under us on the bedrock foundation and shit hits the ceiling fan, is the proverbial reality in which this cosmic vagaband shalt feel little pain.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

what i need to read every day

Together we sail... in this ship of friends... across this worldly ocean... traversing duality... beyond all names and forms... we breathe consciously... occupying the here and now... arriving at our destination... we return om... welcome om brothers and sisters... welcome om love and light... welcome om existence consciousness bliss absolute... together we rest in peace for we are om ~*~

Your life is divinely orchestrated, every breath every feeling every thought every word every intuition every action every person every choice, listen to the music, be the music, be in harmony with the you in verse, here is where you are, you're free when you're grateful. let go and let love ~*~

There is no limit to the amount of information available ready to occupy your mind and imprison your heart. Remain ever conscious where you place your focus; as you think so you become. Anchor your awareness to the formless power of love and set your heart free! You are the formless power of love! ~*~

Nothing in this entire universe will ever compare to the quiet stillness and peace to be found within! ~*~

thank you to a facebook stranger I found by the name of Christian Lock