Thursday, December 27, 2018

Life's a Garden - Journal Entry Part I

A lot of the things are in place. The things you need to build the garden of your dreams. The land is there, waiting for you, in a time of peace. The tools are stored safely during the winter months. We have an idea of what needs to happen first. Do you have the right seeds, and planting supplies to help these little balls of potential grow? They will grow when the time is right, if you grant them the right conditions. They will grow. They want to grow! They need a beautiful space, and while you do not take credit as the primary Creator, you are the provider, you are Secondary Creator in that you create the conditions for life and environments. That is an equally powerful position in granting Life At This Time because without you, the seed will remain a seed.
Your power is in your HAND, your THOUGHTS, and your ability to DEDICATE to habit and action that will allow ripe conditions for the beauty you can help to grow.
Beauty you can cultivate.
You have the vision.
It starts with you.