Thursday, May 21, 2009

Artful Dodger

and I like this pace, this mind-numbing dub
beat so fast hands can't keep up

Bobbin' that head but what's the use, you're in bed
ain't getting those dancing jitters out now is you, Red.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


@ home, the one up North
sans wallet, sans phone
but got home with all my bones

Had a fun night with the boys
at the berenstein Bears' mansion.
Joel bought me Micky D's and we sailed to Cory's
to the crawlspace now widda couch
so comfortable there, in the cupboard under the stairs
 things are nice, hearty chicken and rice
or sugar and spice if you're a veg

Friday, May 15, 2009

Milk is bad for indigestion

. lack of ~
~ maybe .
i sit not

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Jerusalem, if I forget you...

and it's true, the past helps me be, I wonder what it does for you?

Life is fuller and pretty with Jewish complexity

and a memory or two, awesomely awesome as it may be, brings me back to a forgotten history

Keeping me humble, maybe

Grounding me.

But my destiny holds great things and complexity makes it moreso

Like a golden brick in the great Sphinx' torso

Noble, shining, immortal

A symbol of humble past, pride... and struggle

Like any father say, "know where you come from, remember your lessons,

Don't forget these things, count your blessings."

I recount some of the deep-seated feelings here in this rhyme

I strive to reach deep-seeded healings eternal and within

I reflect on ancient histories, Risen

Withered by infernal sands of the Middle-East,

and hidden in the secret winds of Time.

Ben Harper

Blessed to be a Witness for consciousness' sake

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bzz Busy Biz Buzz Busey Booze

This Blog is not my life.
It's just tidbits and swarms
of jumbly jitterbugs formed
and of neurotransmitters warmed.

I've got time to discover more if you do.
If not, then, who's it for?

Huuuuuuge fucking Day, to-morrow, Mon,
A big budgetary day where we think we already know the outcome.
Where, paradoxically, if it holds true then we come out!
A come-out press party wrapped in green
Recycled tinsel made into a pretty bow.

Tie it tight, dear, don't want anything falling out or apart
Get Bus-ey livin', or die tryin'! they say, don't get too caught up with money in the bank
But go sleep, the tree will be there to-morrow
Where you can go bright and early to see what surprises await under its central branch...

Friday, May 8, 2009


watching TV for the first time in several weeks.... I'm going ape-shit
monkeying around.

Save the Primates!!!

My sister is in Africa, again
I am in Champaign, again
trying to make a difference
but it is so slow-going.
These things take time
if we want it to be complex and most successful.

sick of talking
and internet does nothing except as an info resource for real life
search and search hours and what do you find?