Thursday, September 9, 2010


"Daylight" by Matt & Kim has got to be some sort of song of a generation

I was talking yesterday at the Canopy Club in Urbana,
to some friends who said that Summer Camp was like the Woodstock of our generation! And it was. It totally was!

Stories of how social groups formed...
Many people I have met on my own, randomly
and then I bring them together sometimes and it works and it's cool
many times I just have kept their friendships for years and years and it's special. Some sort of treasured friendship, treasured relation we found but know we won't lose
Once you pick a dollar up off the street you change it's life and value.

Yesterday was awesome. It was The Hood Internet at the Canopy Club and I came early to check out local Dj White Rabbit ramp up the scene with his bouncin, epic energy. Speaking of DeeJays and Deja but not talking about Vous, last week I felt the need to talk to this guy with a french artist hat on and a notebook at this bar in Urbana out with some friends, I had just seen a disaster and was emotionally charged, I was exhausted, his loneliness intrigued me and upon talking with him I found out it was his 30th birthday. Afterwards he told me I helped him have a good birthday that night. I didn't think there was anything special about our discussion except for random deepness with a stranger... Random kindness and friendliness can make a stranger's day.

Here's to: Deja, Drew, Cassie, Jennifer, that little Jacob, the wompster crew, Peter, Chris, new friend Katie from North Coast, nice Canopy employees, and the new people I met, and thanks to Bailey for finding Jennifer one evening in the dorms and saving her because she is exponentially happier now. Hippie love and marijuana one unassuming evening saved her.

And I.
It has changed my life
every four years I discover something epic
like pot (and guy friends to hang out with every night til 4AM)
then music festivals, after college, and freedom of expression and *truer* happiness.
...just DANCE

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