Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Living Light

Which dimension of the sun are you
Are you a black hole shadow, hiding it, blocking it
That doesn't retain the sun at all
The Ying to the Yang

Or are you the kind that
reflects it, solidly shining in other directions, now
you radiate and disperse it which magnifies
its power.

Or do you
embody it
contain that matter which is light in another form
and move
like light
dancing and shifting and expanding and vibrating, colliding and bouncing and transforming
"Are you living out the rest of your days, or dying out the rest of your days...?"

We are light out loud
Slowed down *lightform-beings* harnessing light at a rate at which we can experience time
A lower vibration to help us set our feet down on gravity's ground
Without that anchor....we'd be light-speed flickers around the universe
This is the kind of density that saves us, that creates us. It defines us
Our light, then, is inherent
and it is in our nature.
Part of this global family of forms
anchored to this beautiful marble, hues of green and blue
swirling around our star, Ra Ra Ra
we're its biggest cheerleader, we root for you
for she is our Mother, it is Kali it is our maker and it is our taker
She our mover, she our shaker...

*****Love for all beings especially those who are governed by the soul****

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