Tuesday, March 10, 2009

green is good

Today was a good day.
Yesterday was a fine day.
Sunday was one fun day.
Saturday was awesome.

not a bragger
just contented

Each day had several highlights.

Like jamming to Zmick and hanging out with all of them at the Canopy last night
like the happy hour at 4 with new friend coworkers b/c of Sunday power outtages
was able to listen to music of my choice at work and read "Self-Realization" on krishna consciousness too
immediately followed by an hour and a half "buzz" run.... racing sundown and the wind
that was followed by a 5 course Indian home-cooked dinner with environmental friends in Urbana
then met up with a favorite person in my world who was visiting that weekend. perfect. and some home-boys too.
Saturday did the campus-cleanup and everything went perfectly... matching t-shirts and all, had time for frisbee and lunch with the volunteers. news reporter and photog even came out. beautiful!
Friday was green happy hippie day for me. at my University it is Unofficial St. Patrick's day. usually I am ridiculous and all over campus all day...but this one was very different. I did start a dance party with randoms at some point tho, but mostly kept to myself and appreciated things green.

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