Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Water--H 2.0--"This Entry Is Dry"

   Just returned from a 2 hour panel and presentation on the local freshwater aquifer on a recently released report on potential scenarios and depletion of the invaluable resource. Experts from the DNR, local academic Survey departments, regional planning commissions and University researchers collaborated on the effort. I learned that there is little if any collaboration between local cities, counties, and state laws as well as with the utility companies and many other sources of usage. There is a disjoint and fragmented-ness between so many factors that all revolve around the sustainability of our regional water resources, the vital well from which springs all life, physically and economically, in the region. Understatements OR overstatements, there NEEDS to be open communication of scientific projections based on sound research, which of course needs more funding (btw). The best available science and research about these issues comes from - Gasp! - right here in central IL, with the U of I in our backyard and Springfield just an afternoon away. Water is a critical issue, and Central IL, the location of the best soil and freshwater in the world (we have the blackest soil with some of the highest organic matter content along with proven best-tasting tap water), needs to practice the best water systems management practices.
   I received a handout from the EPA's Watersense program to improve water efficiency and awareness of leakages that can be fixed and prevented, along with a 60+ page bound copy of the final water study. Staggering statistics. Fix those drips! Else we, like the wicked green witch of the west, disintigrate and melt away into the dark valley of a dry abyss forever. Or, until we clever tricksy Americans find the next best solution to share the precious freshwater in perpetuity... until 2050, at least, it won't be that bad. One of the [foreign] researchers of the study implied that inferring past that date is too uncertain that it's completely unscientific to include any guesses. 
   So much for caring about the 7 generations hypothesis. "We are not inheriting our resources from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children." in case you haven't heard that, new perspective! Blurp!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

going to bed for like the first time before 10. there's 2 much 2 do/practice/learn and think about. I can't decide to commit to any of them except for dumb facebook. which is lame and horrible so I go watch the dark screen behind my eyelids instead... it's been an enriching and stimulating day so I'm tired. and no, I really don't wanna do trivia night or capture the flag at the arboretum


the thing is there's all this buzzing in my head that I am stifling with each passing minute I don't turn up the volume to each particular frequency
drone it out --
it doesn't exist.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

bright ideas

Cool evolution, but I'd add a renewable energy generator for the CFL next, connected to a CFL that's OFF. Make it sustainable folks

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Spacing out 2 in-Sense

See I realize that words have many meanings
I like it when there are two, or three
that can be deciphered by most anyone most easily.

When you make art
does it matter who and how many see
See it in physicality - eyes to the page - that's one reality
See it in its spirit in its true mentality.
How else can you see it?
When you make art
What kind of feedback is good?
Who do you WANT to see it and discuss it with
What kind of feedback do you want, how it makes them feel, or how you could improve it?
Which are you fishing for, slippery fox?
Pretty lady, did you drop your old shade of lipstick?
I bought a new hue, for you
It's a shady new line you might like, girl, stick with me, it'll be mighty fine.
"I'll take your lipstick, if you're offering it to me
and I'll paint you a picture..."
May not be a headshot of me, not directly, but I'll let you picture me naked...
Keep talking, saucy minx, you artful dodger, keep talking!
What shall I say through my red lips --How bout a smile to fish out a compliment instead:
"And I think that dress looks nice on you. I can see a lot of life in you."
I think that says a lot about you, superstar. Lina fuckin' Lamont, YOU, are a SENSATION!!!
It's a sense
Ain't it?
Can you define it?
Who has your trust and why sometimes do you just get that vibe
A yes or a no, maybe, but mostly a mentally magnetic attraction
You decide they're all right. You can trust them, you like them
What kind of sensitivity do some artists have to it, do you have to it
When can you let someone's trust turn purple into magenta, or magenta into purple
Maybe trust is somewhat the influence of attraction
and, maybe it's like, if you trust me, I can show you a whole new world.
Or, if you think writers and philosophizers are cocky motherfuckers, if you don't trust people like us, maybe we're just playing our games on different fields then. Your loss.
If so, go have fun with your friends. Hit a home run and tell your mother waiting for you at home.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

biZ B

Y, u r such a bi-z b! dear ME.
So much life-detailing potentially occurring
don't be verbose -- instead take the action verb.

...Back, 3 hours later. I played a softball game in the meantime
Out in the boonies, w/beer
Lost to a cupcake team, doh!
I could have - literally - dove to the fly to catch the 1st foul to save the game
instead I came in 2nd, i was second! duck and cover
it came down to the last pop-up and we dropped it, sixteen fifteen
'cuz I let the 1st base guy take the fault instead of my taking of the initiative.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


do i fish out crushing compliments or do i really have that inspirational effect on people
i dunno if i want to be that lil' ball of inspiration 24/7.
I'll wear the silver chain necklace from you Hippy Joe, haven't taken it off since he bestowed it upon me Thursday
I'll hold on to that black electric guitar from Mike
And Cory, homeboy, thanx 4 the very awesome peeps! 4eva, man
I could be listening to a lot of different music right now. One at a time, girl. Ya got two ears but one brain. Gotta love the 21st century
Eh -- Love the 21st century?! Mesmerized by screens, sensory overloaded so we forget to think for ourselves sometimes. I don't want to fall into that trap. We all do that, I think.  Overcome!
Out for an elevation tour in the shades of the umbrellas of quercus, acer, and platanus occidentalis. Rock out, it's Free
slothing vs. monkeying around?

Lion in a coma

Nature boy