Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Zen and the Art of iPod Shuffling

Chit-chat with Tonyman this morn' --

Sometimes, your iPod or iTunes just know what to play, right? Doesn't this happen to you?? Or do you think it's all random chance?

Usually, you stock your music library with stuff you don't hate. Stuff you might want to give a chance if you had all the time in the world, but may not have time to get to. So, when random shuffle brings you a new song, maybe you should give it a more thorough listen... Have you really listened to and appreciated this song before? Now's the time! Your appley program chose it for you at this very time, so this is the very time. No better time than now. Listen.

Or, if you flat out don't like it, change it -- God! Don't let yourself listen to $hlt. I mean have some control!! Choose what you want to hear!!!!!!!!!!!!

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