Thursday, January 7, 2010

Today Was Supposed To Be

It's just another Thursday, concluding 2010's first week. Slow e-mail week, only document trading/sharing with my co-directors as always, editing and overseeing away! But what good good things I list here today on this list day:
  • New table for office!!!!!!! Made sustainably with salvaged woodboards, 4 adjustable old and heavy iron rods, tea-stain finish... It's awesome! We have basically no furniture in this joint (just old desks and chairs, bookshelf and file cabinet). I will look back upon this fondly. We started with nothing but our vision and dedication. Our office space and furniture has all been donated to us as starter capital, an easy donated investment, but they are tools with which we will build a great program in IL. We will build it here, and people around the state are already knocking at our door.
  • Got two checks today and another belated birthday present in the mail, along with a farting musical card from my parents. I also drove in the 6-inch snow to meet my friend Rekha for lunch, and she brought a friend from Mumbai who had some crazy India train stories!! One had to do with cockroach-lined walls.
  • Upon return, initiated a very necessary internal meeting on process organization and streamlining, the need to be detail-oriented for our expansion. I am still editing the verification checklist for us that will be a work in progress for some time...
  • Exec Team Member forwarded a lead e-mail from someone majorly interested in our program, someone who could possibly disseminate it to multiple cities in the state easily............... ahhhhhhh!
  • Finally spending a few extra hours properly and pretty efficiently editing and caring for the soon-to-be final product to give to one business in our program. As I should; I haven't spent enough time doing quality assurance. Be proud of your product and your baby, they take work.
  • From text msgs this afternoon, a snippet: "...there's some nice fluffy snow here, don'tcha know dear. We're gonna be bombin hills and havin thrills tryin to protect our kosha dills..." Oh boy, playing outside... This entire pickle situation is so unkosher, you know?!
  • AH! Funny. "Opposite Day" by Andrew Bird came on (Wow! first time in a while on there), which goes: "And Today Was Supposed To Be, Just Another Day..." It wasn't. Well, it was, in the sense of constant discovery and wonder, excitement of life and what I do in my job made of passion, and of the dynamics of the interface between happening events seemingly outside my control with my ever-changing self and interactions with my peers. Gahhh, am I writing a research paper?!?!
  • The answer to that question is Yes. This is all research for those times that are gonna happen in the future when we hit big. Swing big and don't miss, player of the year. You've had more than 6 years of prep for this.

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