Wednesday, July 3, 2019

freeflow storythoughts

  ((Written 10/2/2008))

In this story, I hung out with an occasional friend I call Indulgence and we took a ride together on the backlanes where no one could discover us... The road to nowhere, with false convenient comforts all around us so as to make the journey more enjoyable. And boy, it did -- everything else beyond the comforts within arm's reach was dark, flat, nothing. All that existed to us was the space within the metal, alight by its own devices and by the fire from our fingertips. We were driving outside under the giant twinkling blanket of stars... the sly moon hidden from our sight but surrounding us, encapsulated us... yes, an eclipse.  We were shooting through the moon in a space whereby there were beans of soy and cows who in reality cannot jump (do not believe in all the fables you may have heard. I know cows cannot jump over the moon). 

In my own metal moon hidden from the world, in the darkness I felt safe, pressing on gas OR gliding, or stopping completely on its four orbitals... Pressed down by gravity, but there not by force, I laid horizontally on the Earth.  There on concrete land I thought I would feel cemented in time -- paused -- but my thinking told me the world was still spinning! Thinking: It Makes Your Head Spin (?!). To take the spin out from within I return to my moonrock ride, my forcefield, and reverberated by the noise of it all, drove straightaway to the space station far away. Now I am back to the alienated home base where I too feel safe.

It is kind of a crazy world outside, even for flatlands: Even when there is so much Space around you, practically nothingness! you go outside and by simply remembering the bright circle-dots is you realize what you were missing. Connecting them is a bonus, but it's still beautiful just remembering they're there in the first place...from the start. Something you can count on.

The concept of continuity and flow, and of matter and energy, these were discussed. My companion and I played that game on the [corn]field where you bounce things back and forth, like tennis or soccer...ideas, not matter, but ideas that matter much in the weight of their significance. But we meant not for the weight to be a burden; it was fun bouncing ideas back and forth like a game, knowing it's gonna end sometime and somehow when someone gets the point.

- Why not be happy with every moment? offered my friend. ...So that the fear of dying itself dies, and that we can die happy?
- Only if it were so! I said. If we had no goals to realize, no dreams in life, no hopes... then we'd be perfectly fine dying anytime just like that. But personally I don't know how happy I'd be going down on my next plane ride!
- A plane would be a great way to go, I was reassured. Life's all about the experience; what a one to end on!!

Quite. I didn't know what to say, but I think I wanted to say, "No!" I don't want to believe in death at all. It will happen sometime to all of us but now I am alive and want to dodge its foreboding face before it comes to me and we make eye contact. I don't want to think about plane crashes, it's the most tragic to think of, when you always consider yourself mid-journey!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Life's a Garden - Journal Entry Part I

A lot of the things are in place. The things you need to build the garden of your dreams. The land is there, waiting for you, in a time of peace. The tools are stored safely during the winter months. We have an idea of what needs to happen first. Do you have the right seeds, and planting supplies to help these little balls of potential grow? They will grow when the time is right, if you grant them the right conditions. They will grow. They want to grow! They need a beautiful space, and while you do not take credit as the primary Creator, you are the provider, you are Secondary Creator in that you create the conditions for life and environments. That is an equally powerful position in granting Life At This Time because without you, the seed will remain a seed.
Your power is in your HAND, your THOUGHTS, and your ability to DEDICATE to habit and action that will allow ripe conditions for the beauty you can help to grow.
Beauty you can cultivate.
You have the vision.
It starts with you.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

"We are made for these times"


My friends, do not lose heart. We were made for these times. I have heard from so many recently who are deeply and properly bewildered. They are concerned about the state of affairs in our world now. Ours is a time of almost daily astonishment and often righteous rage over the latest degradations of what matters most to civilized, visionary people.

You are right in your assessments. The lustre and hubris some have aspired to while endorsing acts so heinous against children, elders, everyday people, the poor, the unguarded, the helpless, is breathtaking. Yet, I urge you, ask you, gentle you, to please not spend your spirit dry by bewailing these difficult times. Especially do not lose hope. Most particularly because, the fact is that we were made for these times. Yes. For years, we have been learning, practicing, been in training for and just waiting to meet on this exact plain of engagement.

I grew up on the Great Lakes and recognize a seaworthy vessel when I see one. Regarding awakened souls, there have never been more able vessels in the waters than there are right now across the world. And they are fully provisioned and able to signal one another as never before in the history of humankind.

Look out over the prow; there are millions of boats of righteous souls on the waters with you. Even though your veneers may shiver from every wave in this stormy roil, I assure you that the long timbers composing your prow and rudder come from a greater forest. That long-grained lumber is known to withstand storms, to hold together, to hold its own, and to advance, regardless.

In any dark time, there is a tendency to veer toward fainting over how much is wrong or unmended in the world. Do not focus on that. There is a tendency, too, to fall into being weakened by dwelling on what is outside your reach, by what cannot yet be. Do not focus there. That is spending the wind without raising the sails.

We are needed, that is all we can know. And though we meet resistance, we more so will meet great souls who will hail us, love us and guide us, and we will know them when they appear. Didn't you say you were a believer? Didn't you say you pledged to listen to a voice greater? Didn't you ask for grace? Don't you remember that to be in grace means to submit to the voice greater?

Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. Any small, calm thing that one soul can do to help another soul, to assist some portion of this poor suffering world, will help immensely. It is not given to us to know which acts or by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip toward an enduring good.

What is needed for dramatic change is an accumulation of acts, adding, adding to, adding more, continuing. We know that it does not take everyone on Earth to bring justice and peace, but only a small, determined group who will not give up during the first, second, or hundredth gale.

One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire. To display the lantern of soul in shadowy times like these - to be fierce and to show mercy toward others; both are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity.

Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it. If you would help to calm the tumult, this is one of the strongest things you can do.
There will always be times when you feel discouraged. I too have felt despair many times in my life, but I do not keep a chair for it. I will not entertain it. It is not allowed to eat from my plate.

The reason is this: In my uttermost bones I know something, as do you. It is that there can be no despair when you remember why you came to Earth, who you serve, and who sent you here. The good words we say and the good deeds we do are not ours. They are the words and deeds of the One who brought us here. In that spirit, I hope you will write this on your wall: When a great ship is in harbor and moored, it is safe, there can be no doubt. But that is not what great ships are built for.

By Clarissa Pinkola Estes

American poet, post-trauma specialist and Jungian psychoanalyst, author of Women Who Run With the Wolves.

Ubuntu and my former professor

"Ubuntu is an ecological strategy for survival," he says, from an ecological and societally introspective talk recorded years ago being now played on *Radio Party* on WEFT Community Radio 90.1 one Saturday afternoon.

Always organized under constant renewal... Malcolm X suggested not to become fossilized, not to become cynical... "And that continues to inform my ideas that the human spirit maybe under the circumstances of pain and suffering (like blues music) during these dystopian times, the best of the human sensibilities and ideas emerge."
Host: "Why is it important to have fun?"

My NRES 104 professor, years later, on the radio: " celebrate the joy of being with other people. The conversations get dark, and the music brings you back. I'm down with that entirely. There's nothing like music, for sure. The arts man, for sure."

For surrrrrre, man.

That man was the one who affirmed my path in determining my major in college. Freshman year, 2nd semester, I was inspired to make change in the environmental path we're on as a species and to assist in the effort of conservation. He was on the radio station where I also am a volunteer. But I thank him, his name is Gil Mendoza, and glad he made such an impact through the way he taught that class and inspired me. I also want to shot out to my high school Costa Rica program creator and guide Thomas Koulentes who also supercharged that inspiration and caused me to realize that the environmental fight is the greatest fight.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Zen monkey

In a fast-paced and multi-sensory world

music gives us a reason to rejoice in peace...

In focusing completely on it and losing ourselves

at peace

Zen monkey

eyes closed, serene expression

Sure there's so many cool places one could be in this world.

but are you fine with where YOU are within? (and the who's and the what's) your karma is, how your mindset is, how you are in your relationships, and your place in the scheme of where you are in the pursuit of your desires.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Burning is of our essence

You've heard: "Eat to live, Live to Eat"
But what is it that demands that you stand on two feet
Why do you get up in the morning, and what do you craft with your hands
What is it that just being YOU demands

If you don't have two feet... and only your soul
Where is your niche, at base, what is your role
What is it inside you that makes your life flow

Having nothing being a "n0 0ne"...
to having everything, knowing everyone...
life could be a jolly joke since it's all about fun
or life could be smoke, above the fire of ruin...
It depends on how you embrace the basest of your soul
How you stand on this land and how you face-out your role

You may ponder your fate
your place on the plate
(or your role in the bowl?)
and the grand illusion that it's Your Lifetime that's great.
While it may all just be muck
the big cosmic goo
that really, reality, is N0thing to you.
Or maybe it's grand
You're a piece of the sand
and you have the gall to reshape it all

Whatever your role, in the psychadelic black hole
However you weave through the depths with your soul
In vain we fight our nature
But time takes its toll
And gradually we burn to embers and coal.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Living Light

Which dimension of the sun are you
Are you a black hole shadow, hiding it, blocking it
That doesn't retain the sun at all
The Ying to the Yang

Or are you the kind that
reflects it, solidly shining in other directions, now
you radiate and disperse it which magnifies
its power.

Or do you
embody it
contain that matter which is light in another form
and move
like light
dancing and shifting and expanding and vibrating, colliding and bouncing and transforming
"Are you living out the rest of your days, or dying out the rest of your days...?"

We are light out loud
Slowed down *lightform-beings* harnessing light at a rate at which we can experience time
A lower vibration to help us set our feet down on gravity's ground
Without that anchor....we'd be light-speed flickers around the universe
This is the kind of density that saves us, that creates us. It defines us
Our light, then, is inherent
and it is in our nature.
Part of this global family of forms
anchored to this beautiful marble, hues of green and blue
swirling around our star, Ra Ra Ra
we're its biggest cheerleader, we root for you
for she is our Mother, it is Kali it is our maker and it is our taker
She our mover, she our shaker...

*****Love for all beings especially those who are governed by the soul****